
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

25K Race 2010

Last week I ran in the Fifth Third 25 K race here in Downtown Grand Rapids.
This was my third time running this race and it was also my best time!
(25 K is roughly 15.3 miles)
My finishing time this year was 2 hour 14 minutes.

I had a few obstacles to face this year:

The first being that Andy had to work at the hospital, so I had to find a babysitter for 7:00 in the morning. My sweet friend Tabby left her family Saturday morning to come and watch my boys while I ran in the race. I am so blessed to have such dear friends who unselfishly help me when I am in need.

The second being the weather was terrible! The night before it was 25 mile an hour wind, rain, and 35 degrees in temp. Luckily the weather calmed down enough to run the race in the morning, but it was still very cold!

The third being I had a VERY stressful busy week, so I really had no time to mentally prepare like I usually do before a race.

I knew if I did not run it, I would be very disappointed in myself for training for the race and then not running it. So I ran the 25 K regardless of the circumstances.

I am happy I did! It was a great race and I felt great.
I also love the Green ribbon and metal I got when I finished!


  1. Congrats!! That is so awesome!! I wish I had the motivation to do that.

  2. great job! What an accomplishment!

  3. I am so amazed at people who run races. I can't even imagine myself doing that! Congratulations, Jessica!

  4. congrats, jess! you are such a rockstar runner. what a cool race.


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