
Thursday, September 16, 2010

We are Having A GIRL!!

After 7 years of
Trucks, SuperHeroes, Star Wars, and Wrestling. . .
we are welcoming into our family a BABY GIRL to even out the genders in our family.

We are beyond excited to announce that we are having a BABY GIRL!
The OB tech told us that it was a 100% GIRL, I really wanted to make sure.

Isaac and Seth are so excited to have a baby sister!
They are already making plans to play with her.
"Mom, she can be Superwomen, and a princess!" Seth said.

Oh, am I going to have fun shopping! Can't wait.


  1. congratulations! girls are tons of fun:)

  2. The shopping is one of my favorite parts! So happy for you. Congratulations again.

  3. That is so great! It's a whole different experience, and I know you'll all love it!

  4. YAY!!!!! Congrats!!! Have fun Shopping!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I can't wait to see what you do with her nursery. You are so crafty and creative. I really am so happy for you guys.

  6. SOOOO excited for you! It will be a totally different experience than what you are used to with boys. But so fun!! Congrats

  7. oh, I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to meet her. Get ready to get sick of pink ;)

  8. How exciting! I'm so happy for you. Maybe all that pregnancy sickness will be worth the bows and dresses. Congrats!


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