
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oceanside, CA & Disneyland 2011

We were so extremely lucky and grateful to be able to take a 
Family Vacation to 
Oceanside, CA
and Disneyland this last July 2011.

We meet up with Andy's family in Oceanside, Ca.
Where we all stayed in a big house right on the beach!
It was SO beautiful.

Here are a few pics of the boys LOVING 
the Beach!

We all went to San Diego a few times while we were there.
Ate at Anthony's Fish Grotto and visited the Midway Aircraft Carrier ship.

Lots of little fun things to do in Oceanside.
We all went to Cafe 101 for some yummy chocolate malts.

We had a blast with all of our cousins there.

Kate's 1st Trip to 

She did so good, took her naps in her stroller and really was a trooper. 
Disneyland is a long day, and she handled it really well.

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