
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Spring Sunday Pictures

It is not very often when I can get a picture of my kids before church! 

After church is never a good  option.  My boys usually have their tie off and shirt unbuttoned by the time I get into our home drive way.  
Anyways, our church starts at 9:00 am and we are usually lucky to grab a granola bar and get out the door to get there in time.
And it is not very often when my husband is not working at the hospital and going to church with us.  
Everything was aligned perfect this Spring morning and we actually had time to spare for a picture and my husband was home do the honors of snapping those pic's.  

What a pretty day it was!

Isaac and Seth in their church attire. 

Miss Kate in her pretty Yellow dress! 
She just would not smile for the camera, too early in the morning maybe?  
I completely understand.

And there you have Seth sneaking in the picture.  What a funny little guy.  He is always trying to sneak in pictures.

Isaac (8) Seth (5) Kate (4 months)

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