Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I have been tagged by Laura. This tag I get to write about 6 facts or habits I have. I also tag 6 other lucky people. So here I go. Enjoy:-)

1. HABIT: I just have to use mouthwash after every time I brush my teeth. Now this habit has just recently become a habit. I got a free sample of mouthwash at a CVS drug store. Now I don't mean to sound like a cheesy commercial, but my teeth seriously felt cleaner after I used it. So I went to Costco and bought a HUGE thing of it.

2. FACT: By choice I would rather use a baby spoon then a regular spoon to eat my ice cream with. But the really sad thing is that I have been doing this since high school. I like it because it makes my ice cream last longer, smaller bites. I know this is kind of weird. Before I was married my family would totally make fun of me for this. Andy doesn't really care, but now Isaac laughs at me. Mommy is eating with Seth's spoon.

3. HABIT: When I have a major sweet tooth I go for the chocolate chips in my cupboard. This is a bad habit that I need to break. But my favorite chocolate chips to snack on are Hershey's milk chocolate.

4. FACT: I LOVE a clean house. This is something I hope for every day but feel as though I am constantly fighting for. I live with three boys. I also love to have a yummy smelling candle burning with soft classical music in the background. Ahh, doesn't that sound nice?

5. HABIT: I love to look through craft, decorating, cooking, and clothes magazines to get fun ideas to use. And now I cut out the ideas I love and glue them in a notebook(thanks to my friend Jill's great idea). This way I don't have to try to remember everything I like.

6. FACT: I really truly enjoy and LOVE to run. This is one thing that I can do that totally relaxes and de-stress's me. This is the time when I can sort through my thoughts and goals. There is nothing like running outside with the cool crispness of fall weather with beautiful fall leaves around and of course great music on the nano- ipod.

OK, so there are so many more weird facts and habits about me but I only needed six. I asked Andy what he thought a habit or fact about me was. He said that I Blog to much! Can you believe that? Well he is probably right. I just really love to read about what our family and friends are doing. I think it is a great way to keep in contact.

Here's who I TAG
1. Ali H.
2. Michelle Y.
3. Lisa H.
4. Vanessa N.
5. Stephanie S.
6. Liz P.


I am Laura said...

Cute facts. What mouth rinse is it? I also eat the chocolate chips from our cupboard. I try not to buy sweets at the store, but I do buy chocolate chips so what is a girl to do.

Margo said...

Jessica, you are so fun. I think your home is always clean and inviting whenever we come over. The boy thing makes it crazy but you are always a success at keeping your home a peaceful place. I am totally hooked on the blog thing as well. It is just so much fun to read what everyone is up to. We sure miss you guys.

Shelley Reid said...

It is so good to hear from you. I have been wondering what everyone from Ohio is up to, then I saw Margo's blog and was so excited to see everyones blogs. I think as Mom's it is good to see that we are not alone in our struggles! My husband teases me about blogging but it is nice to have some contact with the outside world!

ali said...

Jon always asks "Who's blog this time?" When he sees me on the computer. It's funny! But it is a really good way to see what everyone is doing when you don't live close.

lisa h. said...

i'll get on this tagged thing soon...i love coming to your blog and hearing "halo" awwww

Vanessa said...

I'm trying to picture you eating ice cream with a baby spoon! how funny. and how can you help eating the chocolate chips in your cupboard. if they're in there, they are just asking to be eaten!

Jessica said...

Laura, the mouth wash I love is Crest brand and it is the No Alcohol kind. I love this brand because it doesn't sting your mouth like the other brands do. I think it might be the no alcohol that makes it not sting.

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

What a great MEME!
Thanks for sharin'!

arleneo said...

That was great to hear things about you I don't know. I also love to rinse after brushing. I use a brand called Closis. It just makes me feel minty fresh! For a while I was hooked on the smores in the toaster oven. I would put aluminum foil on the tray, put down some grahmn crackers, then put fat chocolate chips on the crackers, then cover them with mini marshmallows, then toast them until they were a crispy brown. It took me a while to break that habit. I don't think my life is that much fun now that I've broken it.