January 2005.
I got a call this week from a girl in Columbus. They had a similar story like ours. They came home from Christmas Vacation and there house was destroyed from water damage. She was calling for direction and help on what to do.
Talking to her reminded me of what a hard experience this was for us.
We came home from a fun Christmas vacation on Jan. 1st 2005. When we arrived home, I noticed that there was water dripping from the ceiling of our garage. I then had the sickest feeling in my stomach. I knew that something was wrong. When we walked in our house, the smell of mold was the first thing I noticed. Then we saw the ceiling that had fallen, glass broken, mold all over the walls. The carpet was all wet.
I have never really shown anyone these pictures. Well, I kind of forgot that I took them. Until I found an old camera (our little cybershot) and there they were. I have had a lot of people ask to see the pictures so here they are! :-)
Our sweet friends, the Smith's, let us sleep that night in there Apt. They even let us sleep on their own bed. It was such a comfort to us to know that they were there to help us. The next day, Andy and I went to go see the damage, and to start the throwing away process. With out us even telling anyone what had happened(except for the Smith's) our good friends Tim and Melissa Larsen were at our front porch ready to help. I don't know what we would have done with out them. I remember going through some personal pictures and belonging's with Melissa by my side. I just started crying, she gave me a hug. We had so many friends help us out.
So I really don't mean this to be a sad post.
I feel as though Andy and I learned so much from this experience, it has made me more grateful for so many things.
-I am so grateful for life, and the safety of my family
-I am so thankful for the Gospel, this experience really made me closer to my Heavenly Father.
-I am so grateful for friends who will drop everything to help us out.
-I am very grateful for the patience I had to have!
-I am grateful for the lessons I learned, the one that sticks out in my mind is that personal belonging's are temporal.
-I am grateful for the other family's that we have been able to help. (3 family's who had floods, one family who had a fire)
Let's just say we now make sure our water is off and we have someone checking on our house when we go out of town. I still hold my breath every time I come home from a trip.
Sorry to hear your friend is going through what you guys had to go through 3 years ago. You have such a great and positive attitude about everything! So glad you have so many great friends in your life.
ok girlie. my stomach dropped when i saw that first picture...i was totally thinking something new happened to your house!! so glad it was a "looking back" post!
i can't even imagine going through that! i hope your friend has lots of help!
those pictures are crazy!
Jess, seeing those pictures bring back some memories. The pictures do not do the damage justice. You guys were incredible with all you had to go through. We learned so much from you guys. We really miss your whole family. When I was talking to Amy, i just knew she needed to call you. I knew you would give her the strength and courage to get through their trial. We love you. Thanks for being our friends. I am sure glad Andy gets Jarren. We miss you guys.
I don't think I ever realized how awful that whole thing was....the pictures say it better than any words. I am so glad that this year you went home to a nice undamaged place. :)
Also..I loved the Christmas pictures. I really wish we could have joined in the festivities...I guess there is always next year. I think you are fantastic!
Jess, you totally scared me too with those pictures! What a crazy thing that was, I just tried to imagine coming home to a house fallen apart, and I just about cried myself!
Good luck to your friends!
Wow, has it really been 3 years! thank goodness, right? You guys were such troopers with all you had to go through and living in an apartment/hotel for a few months... I remember you having Isaac's 2nd b-day party a few weeks after you were in the apartment. (was Isaac really 2 then?) Time flies... We miss you guys!
i was at Amy's today helping scrub walls and get the repainting going....what a nightmare! i'll learn from you and hopefully prevent it from happening to us.
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